Seat near end of life

square between Wasserijstraat + Rue des Tanneurs

This area is under development. New façades are pasted over the old ones. The playing field is also gated. Looks like change is going to come.

These low walls have been crushed by cars since forever. In a way it would be good to replace them, but it is a bit of a pity for the improvised seat, that was made out of tiles and was mounted on one of the walls.
While taking these pictures I hear some teenager talk about me, the tourist, complete with camera and the works. I ask them if they know who made the seat. They melt, they don’t know, but they know some people who propose solutions and are active with public space. They have close ties to the art center Recyclart. My favorite place in Brussels. Respect!

Crushed / Cosy corner