Avenue Charles Woeste, Brussels Sometimes you need to replace your house number. It’s a small job that takes just one minute. You could paste the numbers left from where they used to be. It helps if your wife can judge spacing and lineage of the numbers. You can use a glue that will last for […]more…
Brussel Deze Week, date unknown, photo Saskia Vanderstichelemore…
Neighbour numbers
Rue Washington Straat Two neighbouring houses with similarly DIY adjusted house numbers. Number 59 is drawn slender and solidly with upright tendencies, whereas number 63 is voluptuous and round, keeping in paste with the intentions of the original design. The imitation copper 6 has been neatly integrated in the permanent marker lay-out.more…
Metro Porte de Hal Tram 23 renamed 90 or line 90 as 23? Photo by Femke Sneltingmore…
O.L.V.V.de Zavel, Regentschapstraat The black permanent marker ink which was used to write a changed telephone number has bleached in the sunlight. The old number once again becomes visible.more…