Incorporated fence

Parc de Cinquantenaire
Corner Avenue de l’Yser / Tervurenlaan

Next to the bit of decorative steel of the gate around the parc du Cinquantenaire that was eaten by a young tree in 2005 (see below), a big conifer is busy doing the same. The rapid growth of these trees is apparently not taken into account by putting them in the right position whe n they were being planted. Also the problem has not been noted in time, or it least it is not acted upon timely to prevent that the gate was (again) eaten by a tree. Even if the answer would be to cut the tree, this is now already too late. Cutting it now would feel like the tree would be punished for growing. Question is also whether the gate will survive this or will it lose again one of its dents. ? Worse would be that the green services would decide to replace the poor fence all together, because it is super beautiful.

Chopped wood + metal

Bi-material fusion