Molenbeek Gateway


Jonction Opzichterstraat and Rue Victor Jacobs, 1080, Brussels.

Since several years, this large terrain vague in between Rue Vandenbogaerde and the Rue de l’Intendant, that is destined to be redeveloped is fenced off from the street.

In 2014 the fence was dressed up with some pictures of neighboring areas, one of which is a large panorama of Koekelberg, featuring the Basilic, and the Sippelberg stadium.

When you look over the fence, you will see that nature is flourishing: trees shoot up, and the ruin situated in the middle of the field is overgrown by weeds. The enclosed terrain and its stone construction in ruin, which gives relative shelter and protection has become a site where homeless people put up camp. A new entrance has been created to give access through the panorama picture.
